
学生贷款 & 融资

当你需要经济援助来支付你在本尼迪克特学院的教育费用时, educational loans are an accessible source. Benedictine provides several different loan options. The primary resource is the Federal Loan Program. Private loans provide an alternative and/or additional mode of funding.

Kansas Attorney General's 学生 Loan Code of Conduct

  • 首选贷款人指南-大学使用的首选或建议贷款人名单将完全基于可能使用该名单的学生和家长的最佳利益,而不考虑大学的经济利益.
  • 贷款人披露-大学维护的所有首选或建议的贷款人名单将清楚而全面地披露用于选择这些名单上的贷款人的标准和过程.  学生和家长也将被告知,他们有权利和能力选择自己选择的贷款机构, regardless of whether such lender appears on a school's lender list.
  • 收入分享——大学不会接受任何贷款人提供的任何有价值的东西,以换取贷款人寻求的任何好处.  贷款人将不被要求或允许支付被列入学校首选贷款人名单.
  • 礼品和旅行-学院员工不会接受任何超过名义价值的任何贷款.  This includes gifts or trips of any kind.
  • 顾问委员会成员-大学员工在任何贷款人的顾问委员会任职将不会获得任何补偿或任何有价值的东西.
  • 贷款人身份证明——任何贷款人的雇员都不得在大学财务援助办公室工作或提供人员.  除了, 高校应指导出借方员工明确标明自己是出借方员工,在与学生、家长见面、交谈时,不得标明自己是高校员工.

Annual 学生 Loan Acknowledgement (ASLA)

Beginning with the 2021-2022 academic year, 所有联邦借款人:学生和家长都需要年度学生贷款确认(ASLA). 这项要求是一个年度程序,学生和/或家长每年必须完成联邦贷款.

For first-time borrowers:

The borrower is acknowledging that they understand the responsibility to repay a loan. There is a formal process that must be completed by logging into the studentaid.政府 网站. 完成此流程后,任何/所有学生贷款资金才能支付到学生的账单账户.

For existing borrowers:

借款人承认他们知道自己欠了多少钱,他们还能借多少钱. 学生s can follow the link on 乌鸦zone or go to studentaid.政府 to complete this requirement. 完成此流程后,任何/所有学生贷款资金才能支付到学生的账单账户.

Entrance / Exit Loan Counseling

入学咨询必须在学生收到直接贷款资金之前完成. 入学咨询的目的是确保一个潜在的借款人是教育和了解贷款过程, 资格, and responsibility. 学生s should follow the links on their 乌鸦区帐户 to complete Entrance Counseling.

当获得直接贷款基金的学生毕业时,必须完成退出咨询, or leaves Benedictine College permanently. Benedictine College students may fulfill this federal requirement by visiting studentaid.政府.  After you have completed your on-line Exit Counseling, make an appointment to meet with the Benedictine loan coordinator for a personal appointment.  我们的目标是确保学生准备好成功地履行还款义务,并咨询学生的选择.  Failure to complete the Exit Counseling will result in a student transcript hold.

Federal Direct 学生 Loan

联邦直接学生贷款是以学生的名义发放的联邦贷款,可以是有补贴的,也可以是无补贴的.  补贴学生贷款是根据财政需要发放的,这是由FAFSA确定的.  美国国防部. 美国教育局将于每年7月1日前制定适用于下一学年的利率期限. 当学生至少有一半时间在攻读学位的课程中学习时,联邦政府支付贷款的利息.  Repayment does not begin until six months after you have graduated, dropped below half-time status, or withdrawn from Benedictine College.

An unsubsidized student loan is not need-based. 美国国防部. 教育局将于每年7月1日前确定适用于下一学年的利率. The borrower is charged interest from the time the loan is disbursed until it is paid in full.  学生可以选择在校期间支付利息,也可以推迟支付利息,并将其添加到本金余额中. As with the subsidized loan, repayment on the principal does not begin until six months after you have graduated, dropped below half-time status, or withdrawn from Benedictine College.

Direct loans have maximum annual limits.  课程水平取决于所获得的学分,可以在大学课程目录中找到. The following is a list of the maximum amounts that may be borrowed:

  • 新生- $5500
  • Sophomores - $6500
  • 青少年:7500美元
  • 长者- $7500

独立学生和父母被拒绝PLUS贷款的学生可能有资格获得额外的无补贴学生贷款. 联系 the 金融援助 Office for more details.

适用的贷款发放费用将在支付给学生账单账户时从贷款总额中扣除. 美国国防部. of Ed will establish applicable fee rates.

There are two requirements that have to be complete for these loan funds to be disbursed. The requirements are the Entrance Counseling and the Master Promissory Note. These can be completed at studentaid.政府. These are only to be completed once and are good for 10 years.

Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan

Application Instructions

This loan is available to the parents of a dependent student. 这笔贷款是以父母的名义发放的信用贷款,还款是父母的责任. Parents may borrow up to the cost of attendance of their dependent's education, less any amount of financial aid received. Eligibility is based on credit history.  贷款在秋季学期支付总额的50%,在春季学期支付总额的50%. 适用的贷款发放费用将在支付给学生账单账户时从贷款总额中扣除. 美国国防部. of Ed will establish applicable fee rates.

Repayment begins 60 days after the loan is fully disbursed. Repayment is made over a 10-year period. The payments can be deferred while the student is enrolled in school.

 A pre-approval (PLUS Request Form) and a PLUS Master Promissory Note must be completed. These can be accessed at studentaid.政府.

Alternative (Private) Loan

另类贷款是由私人贷款人提供的一种财政援助形式,作为联邦贷款的替代方案.g. subsidized, unsubsidized &/or Parent PLUS loan). Alternative loans can be issued in the student's name or the parent’s name, as determined by the private lender. 在大多数情况下, payments do not begin until six months after the student has graduated, dropped below half-time status, or withdrawn from Benedictine College. 在很多情况下, the lender will require a co-signer, if the applicant has not established a two-year credit history. 另类贷款的利率是基于借款人(或共同签署人)的信用历史. The interest rates and fees may be fixed or variable and are established by the lender. Benedictine College does not recommend any lender in favor of any other lenders, regardless of their inclusion in the College’s lender list. 学生s are free to select any lender for Alternative Loans. Check out the list of 可用的银行.

Parents and students should pursue all the financial aid including grants, 奖学金, 勤工助学, Federal Direct loans, Federal Perkins loans, 和联邦母公司(PLUS)贷款,因为私人/替代贷款的条款可能不如联邦贷款项目有利. 我们鼓励学生和家长借款人研究私人/替代市场,以确保最适合他们需要的贷款. Benedictine College will not deny, 拒绝, 如果学生/家长借款人希望从其他贷款人获得私人/替代贷款,则延迟贷款申请或贷款认证过程。. Before you borrow, learn more about private student loans.
